There are many avenues that an organization can take regarding their IT solutions provider.
First – You might have a single person you call when something breaks down. For example – a computer might not power on, so you call up Joe, your trusted cousin, to take a look at it. He is able to either fix it or recommend you get a new computer from Best Buy.
Second – You might have a company that you call on when something isn’t working. This company is typically paid by the hour, and you only call them when you absolutely need them. For example, you might call them when the internet at your workplace is down and they’re able to go on-site to get that fixed. You might have to pay emergency rates because they move their workday around to minimize your down time. Or – You might be waiting hours and hours to get someone on-site to fix it. Your IT spend right now changes from month to month and is like a yo-yo. One month you might spend $5,000, and the next you might spend $300.
Third – You have a company that you partner with for your IT solutions. You pay a monthly fee to retain their services, and most IT help and aid is included. If your internet is down or you have a computer that is not powering on, you open a ticket with them, and they work with you promptly to get the problem resolved. There is no added charge for the work on finding the problem – it’s all included in your monthly fee.
So how do you know which approach to IT solutions is right for you?
All these scenarios certainly have their place in the world of IT. If you are a one- or two-person shop, the first and second options might be fine for your situation. You might have relatively low needs regarding your organization. The third choice comes into play when your IT needs increase.
What are some of the signs you need an IT solutions provider to partner with you?
#1 Security
Security is not something you want to try to do on your own or have your cousin do part time. It’s critical that you partner with an IT solutions provider who will consistently look to the future for your organization and stay on the up and up about the latest cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities, as well as how to protect your organization from them.
#2 Improved Operations
Are you looking to make your employee onboarding and offboarding experience even better? IT solutions have a big part to play in that. Everything from making sure the right accounts are created to getting the computer set up with all the IT systems and applications they will need. It’s also important when an employee leaves the organization that you are 100% sure all their access has been cut off and that you are minimizing the potential for them to take data with them.
#3 Strategic Planning
If you are looking for a partner to run ideas by and to work with you on all sides of your IT setup, then an IT solutions provider is a great choice. You’ll have regularly scheduled discussions to go over the high-level aspects of your business or organization.
We’ll go over things like:
- Plans for the new year
- Identify some areas that could use some work
- Problems we can help you solve
The list is never-ending, and we’re all about finding solutions to your organization’s problems using strategic IT planning.
#4 Predictable IT Costs
Having predictable IT costs helps with the year’s budgeting plan for organizations. Knowing what to expect when it comes to your IT budget is something that is extremely important to your long-term financial plan. Planning throughout the year for the big projects that should happen down the road is important.
#5 Expertise
With an IT solutions provider, you are paying to get access to an entire team of resources who have varying specialties. This is great news because, for the price of hiring an individual person for your IT services, you can take on an entire team who are dedicated to you and your goals.
If you’re ready to take the leap on your IT Solutions, schedule an appointment with us today